When the terms of a contract are not respected, it can be broken at any time. (Isaiah 5: 1-6)

God effectively abandons an assembly that invokes him when the latter lives in sin, disorder and refuses to repent.  The same is true of a man who lets go of the Hand of the Lord.  After several insistences of the Lord by his servants, if the people on whom his name is invoked still persists in evil, then the Lord withdraws. Several examples attest to this:

  • God abandoned his home in Silo because of sin (Ps 78: 57-64),
  • God addressing the leaders of Israel said: « … you have abandoned me, I abandon you too… (2 Chr 12:5),
  • When sin invades a church, a denomination, God asks his children who fear him to go out and set themselves apart (2 Cor 6:17; Apoc 18: 4).
      We have proof of this « Heroes of the Faith » among them Charles Finney, pastor of the Presbyterian Church (The Heroes of the Faith of Orlando Boyer, Editions VIDA) who distinguished himself from this denomination by his preaching and recovered entirely between the hands of the Holy Spirit. How glorious was his ministry!   Similarly John Wesley (wikipedia.org/wiki/john_wesley) came out of the Anglican church where he met many oppositions. He eventually broke with the church in 1784 to found the Methodist movement. God was acting through this movement that sank later, after his death, because of the sin that invaded him.
  • The history of the Church shows that many people have come out of certain denominations that have been vomited by God to found revival homes under the instigation of the Holy Ghost.  This is also the case, among other things, with the denomination of the Assemblies of God, which has its roots in a religious awakening that began in the 1800s in the United States. 
    This awakening was not well received by the established churches of the time and the participants of this movement found themselves away from these churches (see www.addluxembourg.lu/fr/add/Notre_histoire.html).   We can also mention the Baptist movement that emerged from the congressionalist church, the fruit of the reforms of the 16th century (see www.protestants-baptistes.com/index.php). Indeed, this movement refused to submit to the decrees of the religious authorities of the time.
    It is clear that God, at different times, arouses men or movements (separating them from churches of traditions) to create homes of awakenings.
     Unfortunately, today, those churches that were alive in the past all died too, for not having watched over the Fire of God that was lit (1Th 5:19; Lev 24:1-4)
    Moreover, we to whom this word has been entrusted, are we not immune from such rejection if we do not, in turn, ensure on this Fire of the Holy Spirit.  This is why it is written: « These things happened to them to serve as examples, and they were written for our instruction, to us who have reached the end of the centuries.  So that the one who thinks he is standing is careful to fall! (1Cor 10:11-12).