The Christian being a pilgrim on earth must make use of the world in moderation. Thus, among all that is permitted to him as a human being, few things are useful to him for his spiritual fulfillment (1 Corinthians 6:12), this is the case of sport. Indeed, the sport that is all the exercises, most often physical, practiced individually or collectively, can be practiced by the Christian with the intention of a fitness. In the case of this fitness, the Christian can go jogging, cycling, swimming, football, etc.
Even if it is permissible for christians, Christians must be careful of the risk of being enslaved by their sports activities because the will declares in 1 Corinthians 6:12: "… I will not be enslaved by anything"; because the practice of sport can lead to idolatry (excessive love for one thing).
Generally, men play sports to make money, to keep healthy, to carve out a dream body, or to satisfy their pride. But Christians should not play sport with these worldly goals in mind; all the more so since the health of the Christian comes to him from the Lord who says, "Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil: it will be health for your muscles and refreshment for your bones" (Proverbs 3:7-8).
The Christian must also avoid martial arts (karate, judo, Kung fu, …) and extreme sports because these are exercises that push him to rely on his own strength and to tempt God.
As far as sport as a profession is concerned, the goal is to make money, to have the glory of the world, to outperform its competitors and to seek to be the best. This is the prerogative of sports companies that seek financial and sporting results. Sportsmen here are seen as "goods" who generate great profits for clubs and become stars, and also idols. The Christian must not engage in this kind of activity because it is an environment dominated by darkness, so that no one can have glory if he has not bowed before Satan (Luke 4:5-7).
In this environment there are vices of all kinds: fornication, revenge, harassment, corruption, occult practices, etc., all things condemned by the Bible.
As for the Olympic Games, they were originally practiced in a temple, dedicated to a god as worship (
In view of all that has been said, theChristian must not engage in such sporting activities at the risk of losing the eternal life that the Lord has given him. Thus, it says: "Do not love the world or the things that are in the world … (1 John 2:15). The Christian must give priority to all that is spiritual over the carnal (1 Tim 4:8).