Satan raised great forts on earth in order to prevent man from finding the path of heaven traced by the Lord Jesus (Ecclesiast 9:14; Psalms 107: 10-11). These are for example: sin (drunkness, impudence, theft, murder, lust, idolatry, greed), disease, persecution, religion, the works of darkness, …  

Its forts exert a domination over every man, as it is written: « … the whole world is under the power of the smart … (1 John 5:19) and also « … the devil said to him: I will give you all these powers and the glory of these kingdoms, for they have been given to me … (Luke 4:5-7). This kingdom of Satan presents itself as a chasm ready to engulf the earth hence the name valley of the shadow of death. All those who are there are subject to satan. Anger, jealousy, quarrels, lies, cunning, lusts, excessive cravings, fraud, grudges, alcohol, impudence, fashion, pleasures of the flesh, idolatry, division, magic, … still dominate their lives. « … all those who commit such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5: 21  

All Christians pass through this valley. Unfortunately many believers think they are on the way to heaven (because they attend a church) while they still have all these connections in them. It is hard to believe that they are Christians (little Christ). The Christian must walk on the ancient bollards left by the Lord Jesus to be victorious and get out of this valley.